James William Fletcher8 bools in 1 byte, the 1 bit boolean.An age-old question, one I would imagine many new aspiring low-level to the metal programmers may ask and one I too once asked myself.Apr 10, 20223Apr 10, 20223
James William FletcherBenchmarking interpolation functions.Interpolation functions help turn low resolution discretely sampled signals back into their continuous counterparts. In this document we…Sep 3, 2021Sep 3, 2021
InITNEXTbyJames William FletcherBenchmarking sine functions.It is rare that anyone would want to circumvent the sin() function, but, there are a few cases where it would be beneficial. This document…Aug 30, 20211Aug 30, 20211
InGeek CulturebyJames William FletcherRDTSC the only way to benchmark.If you are benchmarking small single functions that denominate down to only a few lines of instructions or even just functions that…Aug 18, 2021Aug 18, 2021
James William FletcherHow a benign web crawler found and exploited a critical vulnerability in my server.This is a brief and partly mundane account of how the PetalBot web crawler discovered and exploited a serious vulnerability in the…Jan 1, 2021Jan 1, 2021